We’ve heard from a large percentage of our members that they want an online, secure, personal storage service from Giganews. As a member of Giganews you have come to expect us to deliver constant service improvements and new products and services. Our members feel no other service provider in the world matches our uptime, speed and dedication to privacy and security. That combination of service qualities is currently missing from the personal storage market, and our members know we can deliver.
We have heard our customers, and are proud to announce that the development of a personal storage service for Giganews members has started. We have been doing public “cloud storage” many years before the term was coined and well before “cloud storage” was “cool” with our globally distributed Usenet clusters. As part of this project, we would like to again solicit Giganews members’ feedback about features we are working on. In the upcoming weeks we will be reaching out to you with questions, updates and ultimately a request for beta testers. As always, our Diamond members will get first access to our personal storage product.
Subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive the latest updates about our new storage product.
Victor Wainer says
Interesting.. I wonder how well it wil work with the usual upload speed limits, and how big will the storage space actually be?
Anonym sagt
aucune nouvelle depuis un mois ou en est le projet
juchmis says
Seriously looking forward to this. Would be amazing.
Alan Neese says
I am looking forward to the Personal Storage Service. I hope it has all of the functionality of Dropbox! 🙂
hakunin says
anonymous says
Giganews just keeps on getting better and better as time goes on! I cannot think of any other company, especially in these less-than-perfect economical times that makes sure that they're *adding* features for their customers, not *removing* them. Nine times out of ten, it's a totally free service! Just another perk for being a customer here.
I've been a Diamond customer for a few years, I'd say, and I've seen Giganews throw me the "Accelerator" (I am spoiled forever, without it, I feel like I'm on dialup), free VPN tunnel access, Mimo, and on and on…
When they need to up the price a bit — sometimes a necessary evil in the business world — they keep their dedicated users grandfathered in to their original pricing plan and stall the price change for 3 extra months… and not because they have to, either.
Have I kissed enough of the bottom cheeks yet? I won't even mention the number 1,000 then. My download speed has never been less than full throttle (in fact, it pushes it past what any speed test has)… and in the years I've been a customer, I can't honestly recall any downtime, ever! If there was, it snuck past me.
Finally, and I'll spare you from having to read any more shameless praise — as well as to keep their heads from getting too big and just mention that their customer service is also top notch. In times where a had a billing issue or a promotion didn't apply like it was supposed to, they quickly and gladly fixed it and made it right.
That's why I have to give Giganews my sincerest respect and acclaim as a company who just knows how to do business the right way. They claim they're the best, and they are. The competition — where is it? I don't even care. I'm faithful to a company who is faithful to me; bottom line. They deliver on their service promises, and go above and beyond those to make sure their users feel like they're valued, rather than feeling like they're just money, money, money.
Keep it up Giganews… congrats ahead of time on hitting the big 1K, and thanks for your incredible service and dedication to us, the customers.
(P.S. — No, I was not bribed, paid, threatened, or persuaded by truckloads of beautiful young women for this post; although… if an entourage of said lovely women showed up at my house to deliver a suitcase of cash, prizes and other valuables — Giganews… if that were to happen, I have plenty more positive things to say; maybe even your mascot? I travel the planet promoting speed, greed (1K days retention?!), and w– eeerr… we could work on a different slogan. That one may not go over as well as it did in my head just a moment ago.
botolo86 says
I hope there will be a chance to download from usenet directly to this cloud storage solution. It would be a winning!
Unbekannt sagt
I would love to see this come to fruition!!
Anonym sagt
Definitely a great idea, maybe a nice Android app to go along with it?
Theologin says
This is great! If i could suggest a couple of things, multi platform support from day one. Ipad/ipod app, android app and a simple smooth windows/mac program. Something where i can drop photos from my phone at work then pull them up from home or work. Like carbonite meets dropbox.
Anonym sagt
Anonym sagt
I love you Giganews, i just got the OpenVPN package with my Diamond account that i've had for a long time, thank you for beeing the best and always trying to improve your service :). Thank you !
Noo says
Great news, i'll be happy to be a beta tester.
Unbekannt sagt
This is exciting news. Definitely a great move towards a more complete solution.
Unbekannt sagt
This is great news, sign me up for the Beta ;P
ADMiN says
Linux, or GTFO.
Seriously, Linux support is the single most important thing to me.
If it will have a web interface (& so is cross platform), it's cool.
IF HOWEVER, you decide to make a desktop app, make it on QT or something to provide native support for Linux. If you release a Windows-only software, I'll go batshit crazy & start fighting crime in my Batmobile
Anonym sagt
Congrats Giganews ! Very good news !
Does anyone know if there will be a device app (android for example) that would be used for streaming MP3 which would be on the storage cloud (like amazon) ?
Anonym sagt
Give me something like carbonite with Giganews speed and I will be sold. 🙂
Roel Teeuwen says
This will be cool! Value for money is key here! I'm very curious.
Travis says
very interesting! so, are we talking about storage of "whatever we want" or just some way of storing our usenet files, perhaps using some particular client?
Anonym sagt
Great 🙂 Looking forward to use that new Service soon. Cheers
Anonym sagt
Giganews is such a great UseNet (and hopefully future storage) provider that it makes me proud to be a Diamond customer of this service. Can't wait to hear more news on this topic. A great thing would be easy integration and also lowlevel services such as rsync.
Unbekannt sagt
Well, that's great (giga)news!
I'm an addict to those services which saved my life a couple of times and make my daily use of digital content a lot easier.
Being a diamond user at giganews and a software product manager in my private life, I'm really willing to help you guys if a beta program opens.
I'm a Mac user, currently owning a dropbox paid account (50gb where I store my documents) and a google paid storage (80gb where I store my pictures and music). I'm using those services as backups, immediate shared space between my Macs, and for enjoying music and photos on the go.
I've complained a couple of times about the limitations of these services (which is precisely the reason why I use 2 different service providers), and I'd be happy to tell you why.
Anonym sagt
I've had Giga-news for so long I honestly don't remember.
VPN and now storage too? This is rapidly becoming my favorite IT service to pay for 🙂
Anonym sagt
Before I quit y dropbox subscription, when do you expect to launch and is it going to be like Live Mesh(automated sync of folders) or like Ms Skydrive with manual upload?
petrossa says
I'm interested. Curious about pricing. Having an 'all in' package sure looks promising.
Anonym sagt
i hope it is accessible via various standard protocols like ssh so i can use rsync, rather than some gimp client like dropbox.
catmar says
Thank you can you tell us yet how much storage space you'll be giving us?
Anonym sagt
Love it, can't wait!
Unbekannt sagt
Will it be included in the diamond monthly price, or will there be an additional charge?
Will the volume of data be unlimited?
I am currently using Mozzy, which space is unlimited.
Anonym sagt
If your storage solution is as awesome as the rest of your services, I will definitely be a long term user. The one thing that would really put you guys over the top is if you have good upload speeds! I am so tired of the slow uploads provided with other services, which has really prevented me from using other services for very long. I end up just using my own off site NAS solution, but I would love to use those hard disks for other things.
Unbekannt sagt
Congrats folks. If you do as well as you have with news access and secure VPN then this should be quite a service. I can't wait!
Anonym sagt
This is excellent news!
1)First and foremost I would like to see giganews blow the competition out of the water in regards to storage size and pricing. Everyone pretty much has the same offering and very lack luster. (Amazon derivatives)
2) Drop box like tool for desktop and mobile (iPhone, iPad) and replicate base functionality to start. Don't try an re-invent just yet.
3) Unprecedented levels of anonymity and security like other giganews services.
Just a few things to get you started 😉
Anonym sagt
You are going to make me real happy I signed with GigaNews, not that I wasn't happy before this announcement. It's a bit 'cloud'y out and I love it.
Unbekannt sagt
FIRST!! j/k Giganews, thank you for blazing the road with these technologies. This is why I have been a member for multiple years, and recently upped to diamond level… I just couldn't deny such a terrific value any longer. Thanks!
Anonym sagt
Can't wait to see what you have cooked up.
Anonym sagt
This sounds great! A mappable drive would be great… Encrypted up in the cloud.
10 gigabytes for every year you've been a giganews subscriber.
Mike says
As always I am excited for the release of a new service/product from GigaNews. One cool feature for the personal storage service would be something similar to DropBox where you can "map" a folder on your PC. This would allow seamless access to the secure online storage space without worrying about FTP'ing in, etc.
Good work, keep it up.
Anonym sagt
Wow, that's an awesome addition to an already reliable and great service.
a Diamond members since many years says
This is awesome !!! Giganews is really the best provider in the world. No provider can be so proactive 🙂
Also, if you can think for an access from iDevice (iPhone, iPad, Android) it would be great.
Dan Q says
This is incredibly exciting! Pull this off, and I can drop my Amazon S3-based personal backups and start storing my stuff with my favourite Usenet provider instead!
Anonym sagt
I'm pretty excited about this. I have been exploring options for cloud storage, and I'm glad giganews is throwing their hat in the ring. Looking forward to it.
mark says
great news cant wait , it just get better
rubin says
Great idea. I would love to see SECURE (very important) storage available, and a Mac, Windows, and even Linux app that will allow syncing between the machines and the storage. Think Drop Box!
Some storage should be free (say 5 to 10 GB) with a Diamond membership, with additional available for a yearly or monthly charge.
Also, there should be a secure access to allow file viewing and access via your website. I would assume logging into Giganews, and then logging in again to a secure personal page where an HTML browser would be available.
It is assumed that all this storage space would be backed up, but if not, that should be available at a small extra charge.
Razultull says
I must say Giganews is becoming seriously innovative and increasingly, awesome.
A good cloud storage system is exactly what i need right now, and if they could incorporate it into a ftp/sftp system as well, i would be eternally grateful to them.
As a diamond member i can't wait. 😀
Anonym sagt
I personally make heavy use of Dropbox. I would look to it for functionality. One of the items I like best, is that it has a desktop client that acts like any other folder on your hard drive. This allows it to be used seamlessly by applications and makes it intuitive to any user.
Also, it has versioning, so you can revert or restore files if necessary.
The sharing feature is nice, and I use it a lot for collaborating especially when files are too big for email. To do this correctly, you must be able to set read/write permissions, so that people cannot accidentally delete your files.
Also, it accessible by most platforms (Web, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Blackberry)
Anonym sagt
It should be encrypted, transparently integrated into the users OS, i.e. a drive letter. Also, it is important to be able to select in which country the data will be physically stored.
Anonym sagt
Please tell me you'll have the pricing of Amazon's S3 storage but fully support the rsync/ssl protocol.
That would be the bees knees.
Anonym sagt
Wow , you read my mind giganews! I've been considering using newsgroups as a back-up medium for years. I want an off-site backup that can handle a few hundred gigs of data. My plan was to create an encrypted Truecrypt volume file, and then RAR it and upload it to giganews, and generate a new backup every 900 days or so (whatever the retention rate currently is).
But a dedicated solution from giganews might be ideal. I want to know more!
Anonym sagt
Sweet!! This is great news, so happy to hear you guys are doing this. Cant wait for the beta testing to begin!
zuber mohsan says
I think adding personal storage is an excellent idea. And expanding this product to server backup storage for databases such as mysql or other files. It would provide a way to backup your server data in a cost effective way. Excellent news.
Ruxzbin says
This is a pretty amazing feature. How will you be accepting feedback, as I would like to make this a very good service that is on par with DropBox.
Thanks and keep up the good work
Jeaz says
This really does sound promising. Giganews really keeps adding value to their portfolio and this looks very interesting. Of course it all boils down to quality and cost but so far I haven't been disappointed by GN. Looking forward to more information and beta-testing.
Anonym sagt
Great news!
johhenrik says
This sounds pretty awesome! Great news!