As you may have seen, Giganews is now supporting custom usernames for members with Giganews® personal Usenet accounts.
Previously, Giganews members were assigned a random username when signing up for service. The username would start with “gn” and would be followed by a series of numbers (example: gn1234).
Members were then emailed their username, which they would use to configure a news client or log on to the Giganews member control panel.
The problem that so many of us had was that we couldn’t always remember our Giganews username. This can be especially frustrating when setting up a new computer or logging on to the control panel. You would have to dig up the email with your Giganews username or look at the configuration settings of your news client.
This frustration is what helped us decide to push custom usernames to the front of our development cycle. Giganews’ engineering group worked very hard to make this feature available and we hope if helps make your Giganews experience that much better.
If you have any comments or suggestions on this feature or any other feature please feel free to post a comment.
Anonym sagt
Are posts to Usenet shown with the custom login or with the gnXXXXX usernames?
Giganews sagt
None of your Giganews usernames will not be displayed in your posts.
Anonym sagt
Don’t know why it took so long!!!!