VyprVPN Personal VPN
Giganews provides double encryption security of transferred materials through SSL and Vypr VPN. This is absolutely necessary to protect internet users from illegal neighborhood eavesdropping.
Richard – San Diego, California
I love the price, the simplicity and the damn cool Mimo. And the VPN! Oh my gosh, the VPN is the deal breaker!
Zhiva – Bærum, Norway
– low price for big performance
– big security
– i am happy german member
Udo – Neuruppin, Germany
I looked into usenet for a week looking for which one to commit to and you guys floated to the top as the leaders. I felt safe signing up with you and I really appreciate how you focus on security and usability. I hope that you keep pushing those boundaries. Thanks.
Jack – Albuquerque, New Mexico
Now, my Diamond Membership with Giganews has become an integral and indispensable part of my entire network that I plan to always keep. The unsurpassed newsgroup retention that Giganews offers, along with the security of VyprVPR make me feel like the safest, smartest person on the Internet.
Perry – Brooklyn, New York
I enjoy the access to vyprVPN anywhere I am, I fully enjoy the extra security.
Korey – Davis, California
The price is perfect for the security, speed, and retention. Complimentary vyprVPN service seals the deal. You just can’t go wrong with giganews, the best usenet service.
Christopher – Pemboke, Massachusetts
I chose Giganews over the other usenet providers because Giganews has repeatedly recognized the users demand for security and privacy. In an internet age where big business believe they have rights to track where I’ve been, it’s comforting to know there are companies that believe privacy is MY right.
Trix – Modesto, California
Giganews retention is superior! I am able to find the things I’m looking for without the frustration of having my posts expired. With Giganews I know I can get it. Mimo’s search capability saves me time. VPN provides me the freedom, privacy, and security I want.
Rick – San Antonio, Texas
I love the security features! You’re awesome 🙂
Dominik – Berlin, Germany
I use GigaNews.com because of the sheer download power and security they provide. When i download the moste important thing for med is that i feel safe that what i download stays between me and the file i download, and who dosen’t like when you can download with your FULL internet speed
Happy long time user of GigaNews.
Jesper – Suldrup, Denmark
Speed, Retention, customer service. Been a member for years. Love the security. With encryption I have no worries about who might be interested in what I am downloading.
John – Northport, New York
You have high quality of service, you are passionate about the web and security issues. You give out a personal message to your customers and go out of your way to improve and optimize your service. Which is just what I look for in any premium service.
Ossi – Stockholm, Sweden
As a Level II Systems Administrator with a Degree in Information Security, privacy is an ultimate concern of mine on the web. When Comcast asked me why my bandwidth usage was so high I simply told them “None of your business.” Thanks to my diamond account on giganews that includes SSL connections as well as VyprVPN, it truly was just that.
Sean – Marana, Arizona
I like the freedom, security, privacy and all things that ever have been on the internet.
Thank you very much GigaNews Team!
Matthew – Eatons Hill, Arizona
I like your VPN service. In the coming hivemind future, privacy becomes the most coveted asset and anyone who can offer that will win.
Kjetil – Trondheim, Norway
I love my privacy
Felix – Bronx, New York
What i like the most about Giganews is the privacy and flexibility to utilize that privacy from my Desktop, Laptop, iPhone, or iPad. Far and away, this is the best service…
Randall – Edmond, Oklahoma
I’ve been a customer for over nine years. My Diamond service pays for itself every month with rich, reliable and complete content.
VyprVpn is icing on the cake, offering protection from snoops when using my iPhone or laptop at Wi-Fi hot-spots.
Customer service is EXCELLENT!!!, responding to my questions within minutes, 24/7.
Trent – San Diego, California
Giganews is the best newsgroup service, free VyprVPN is icing on the cake!
David – Lexington, Kentucky
I have used a couple of other providers but none of them compare to Giganews. Their customer support is superb and they always do their best to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Besides having the best retention and providing SSL encryption, VYPRVPN with L2TP surpasses all VPN services out there. Thank you for continuously providing great services to the community.
Glenn – Norwalk, Connecticut
Giganews rocks!!! Providing more than just Usenet with VyprVPn, L2TP and OpenVpn. No other service even comes close!
Blaise – Wyle, Texas
Giganews is above and beyond just a Usenet provider. Thanks to free benefits such as VyprVPN, a loved one traveling abroad can now browse blocked websites and keep in touch securely!
Chris – Phoenix, Arizona
I like the Giganews VyprVPN because when I’m abroad my browser will always think I’m in Amsterdam and thus making sure I can login to dutch pages who will only allow people that live in the Netherlands. Very handy for me!
R. – Heerlen, Netherlands
Best usenet service out there.
Tried cheaper ones, tried ones more expensive, tried ones that claimed to be faster, but none match Giganews.
The recent work on privacy with vyprvpn is also a really nice and welcome service
Michael – Hvidovre, Denmark
All my friends were jealous of my L2TP-IPSec connection that is part of the VyprVPN that comes FREE with my Diamond account, so I told them to sign up!
Dana – Gilbert, Arizona
I feel very safe when i know VyprVpn is on my side.
Anton – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I love my giganews Diamond account and VyprVPN makes it even better, very useful in my travels. (especially to countries with serious censorship)