Did you know as a Diamond Usenet member, you can secure your Internet browsing using VyprVPN not only on your computer, but also on your mobile device? VyprVPN protects your data beyond the Usenet world by encrypting all Internet traffic – e-mails, web browsing, IMs and beyond — helping to secure your online browsing.
We recommend using VyprVPN on your iPhone, iPad, and other devices, as you never know who may be viewing your traffic. We rely on mobile devices for critical and private data from our personal and work calendars to work e-mails and financial data. It’s important to protect that information from being accessed and used by others.
Giganews Diamond Members get VyprVPN free and can browse securely on many devices:
- iPhone
- iPad
- iPod Touch
- Android
- Laptop
- Desktop
Setup VyprVPN now, or upgrade to Diamond membership for free VyprVPN access.
To learn more, visit Golden Frog’s iPhone VPN page.
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