We’re proud to announce that on January 26, Giganews became the first Usenet provider in the world to reach 2,000 days of high-quality binary retention for more than 110,000 existing newsgroups! The 2,000-day milestone, which is more than 5.5 years of retention, represents more than 25 petabytes of Usenet messages on the Giganews servers.
This is a huge feat in the industry and we are proud to be the only Usenet service that delivers the same speed and article completion across the approximately 45 billion articles with 110,000 newsgroups equally. Giganews is 50 percent bigger today than at this point last year and we continue to add servers with this kind of growth in mind.
Get a closer look at what this milestone means
We put together a fun and informative graphical representation of what 2000 days of retention looks like and what we’ve accomplished over the years.
View and share the infographic online
Hundreds of Terabytes of data gets uploaded to Giganews every day, and retention refers to the time that data remains on the Giganews servers and is therefore accessible to our customers. Two thousand days of retention guarantees that you can easily find and access articles that have been posted more than five years ago and text from more than 10 years ago.
We are constantly working to make Giganews the world’s best Usenet service and just like our retention, we have no plans on stopping. We truly appreciate the great customers who stand behind us. Thanks for your continued support and feedback.
If you’re not already a Giganews member, we invite you to sign up for a 14-day free trial.
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